Acupuncture for Sciatica

Patients often ask me “Denise, is acupuncture good for sciatica?” I can confidently say that among natural treatments, acupuncture is one of the best sciatica treatment options available. I have successfully treated sciatica at my acupuncture clinic in Mesa, AZ. Acupuncture alleviates sciatic nerve pain so you can get back to enjoying life again.

What is sciatica?

People with sciatica often experience one sided pain, burning, aching and a pins and needles sensation that can occur in the buttocks, legs and feet. The sciatic nerve is long and wide and holds the title of largest nerve in the body. It travels from the lower back to the buttocks and back of the thigh. Just above the knee it splits into two branches. One branch continues along the back of the lower leg to the sole of the foot, while the other branch travels along the outside of the lower leg to the outside of the foot. Sciatic pain occurs when the nerve gets irritated or inflamed anywhere along it’s pathway.

What triggers sciatica?

Any condition that damages, compresses or entraps the sciatic nerve can trigger sciatica. These conditions include:

  • Herniated or bulging discs that press on the nerve root.
  • Degenerated lumbar discs that compress the nerve root.
  • Lumbar stenosis which is a narrowing of the spaces within the spine and compresses on the nerve root.
  • Muscle spasms in the low back irritate the nerve.
  • Tightness of the piriformis muscle entraps the sciatic nerve causing pain.
  • Often overlooked are trigger points in the gluteus medius and minimus muscles that cause a pain pattern that feels very similar to sciatic nerve pain.

How does acupuncture get the sciatic nerve to stop hurting?

Acupuncture increases the production of endorphins – natural pain killers which decrease nerve pain signals Acupuncture also blocks the formation inflammatory cytokines that also cause pain and create inflammation. Electroacupuncture, which feels similar to a TENs unit plays an important role in the treatment of sciatica. Electroacupuncture restores strength and control of muscles that may have become weak due to damage of the sciatic nerve. It also speeds the healing and promotes the regeneration of the sciatic nerve.

Degenerative changes in the spine cause shortening of the deep spinal muscles that connect to the vertebrae. This shortening pulls the vertebrae closer together which puts more pressure on the nerve root resulting in sciatic pain. Acupuncture at these shortened areas causes a lengthening of the muscle which takes pressure off the nerve and alleviates the sciatic pain.

Acupuncture points for sciatic nerve pain

I do a thorough assessment at my acupuncture clinic in Mesa, AZ before beginning acupuncture for sciatic pain. I may do orthopedic testing, manual muscle testing and examination for trigger points. Depending on those results I may begin with acupuncture points in the hands, ankles and other areas. Using these distal points can be a good way to start especially if the affected area is sensitive. In addition, they are extremely effective in bringing down pain levels. If necessary, I will use acupuncture points and electroacupuncture in the back, hip and legs to further decrease inflammation and promote healing of the sciatic nerve.

My free E-book 3 Ways to Heal Chronic Pain at the Root has valuable information to help reduce sciatic pain. You can find it on the upper right of this post. If you are looking for sciatic pain relief call 480-832-0966 to schedule an appointment at my acupuncture clinic in Mesa, AZ and I will be happy to help you.

Stay well,

Dr. D

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